Fredericksburg Hypnosis

Freedom From Bad Habits

No more embarrassment, shame, or guilt because of a bad habit. Discover how hypnosis can help you to TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOU!

Freedom from Bad Habits with Hypnosis

The number one reason why most people can’t break a bad habit is because they are trying to do it logically. As annoying, painful, and embarrassing as a bad habit can be your brain has a good intention. Habits whether good or bad are driven by the subconscious. It’s the part of the mind that steers the car while your thinking about what’s for dinner. 

This is why logic or willpower doesn’t work. The habit resides much deeper within your mind.

Have you ever:

  • Bitten your nails and didn’t even realize it? 
  • Pulled those eye lashes and didn’t feel a thing?
  • Picked, until bleeding?
  • Cried because of compulsive spending?
  • Gambled away money you couldn’t afford to lose?

How Can Hypnosis Help Break Bad Habits?

Identify Root Causes

Discover the subconscious reasons behind the habit. Address the real issues, not just the symptoms.

Rewire Thought Patterns

Train your mind on how it reacts to triggers. Replacing bad habits with healthier responses.

Non-Judgmental Support

Work on what you need to work on and know that you'll have the support you need.

A Customized Hypnotic Approach

Every habit is different, so your program is tailored to meet your specific needs, and outcomes.

A New Sense of Freedom

Learn practical strategies to maintain your new healthy habits long-term.

Create The Habit Of Success!

Ready to Take Back Control of You? It starts with a conversation and a willingness to change. You CAN live free from the bad habits that have been holding you back.

Success Stories

Call 540-222-1715 Today for Your Free Confidential Phone Consultation